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Foot and Ankle Arthritis

Arthritis is the inflammation of joints as a result of degeneration of the smooth cartilage that lines the ends of bones in a joint. This degeneration of the cartilages leads to painful rubbing of the bones, swelling, and stiffness in the joints, resulting in restricted movements. Arthritis in the foot and ankle can occur due to fractures, dislocation, inflammatory disease, or congenital deformity.

Ankle Sprain

A sprain is the stretching or tearing of ligaments. Ligaments connect adjacent bones and provide stability to a joint. An ankle sprain is a common injury that occurs when you suddenly fall or twist the ankle joint, or when you land your foot in an awkward position after a jump. Most commonly, it occurs when you participate in sports, or jump or run on a surface that is irregular.

Ankle Fractures

Ankle injuries are very common in athletes and individuals performing physical work; often resulting in severe pain and impaired mobility. Pain after ankle injuries can either be from a torn ligament (ankle sprain) or broken bone (ankle fracture). An ankle fracture is a painful condition where there is a break in one or more bones forming the ankle joint. The ankle joint is stabilized by different ligaments and other soft tissues, which may also be injured during an ankle fracture.

Ankle Instability

The joints of the ankle are held in place and stabilized by strong bands of tissue called ligaments. Ankle instability is a chronic condition characterized by a recurrent slipping of the outer side of the ankle. It usually results from repeated ankle sprains, which are injuries to the ligaments. Ankle instability is generally noticed when you move your ankle joint but can also occur while standing.

Achilles Tendon Rupture

The Achilles tendon is a strong fibrous cord present behind the ankle that connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. It is used when you walk, run and jump. The Achilles tendon ruptures most often in athletes participating in sports that involve running, pivoting and jumping. Recreational sports that may cause Achilles rupture include tennis, football, basketball, and gymnastics.

Achilles Tendinitis

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon is known as Achilles tendinitis or tendonitis. The Achilles tendon is a tough band of fibrous tissue that runs down the back of your lower leg and connects your calf muscle to your heel bone. The tendon is used when you walk, climb, jump, run and stand on your tip toes.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis - Conditions

Plantar fasciitis refers to the inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that is present at the bottom of the foot. It runs from the heel bone to the toes and forms the arch of your foot.

Regenerative Medicine for Sports Injuries

Regenerative medicine is often used in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries in sports professionals and active individuals who wish to return to play as early as possible.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Platelets are a type of blood cell that play an important role in forming blood clots.

Interfyl® Human Connective Tissue Matrix

Interfyl® connective tissue matrix is derived from the chorionic plate of the human placental tissue and helps to replace and supplement damaged tissue.

Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC)

BMAC is a concentration of regenerative stem cells obtained from the bone marrow of your hip or pelvic bone. It can be administered to promote healing and tissue growth in areas of injury.

Stem Cells Therapy

An emerging therapy for orthopedic conditions is the use of your own body’s regenerative cells - mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs).

  • Orthopaedic Sports Medicine - Logo
  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeon - Logo
  • American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine - Logo
  • The Arthroscopy Association of North America - Logo
  • Orthopedic Specialists of North County - Logo